Apartment 47B
UNESCO Heritage
Perfetta Letizia Holiday Home is an ideal stay for those who want to live dream a days!
Entering the house, welcomes you a wonderful and spacious living room with a beautiful stone column and four depressed arches that disengage the rest of the house, you'll catch the eye the magnificent fresco living in one of the walls (now being restored ): immediately perceive that in there are past centuries of history and time seems extraordinarily stopped were it not for the unique presence with every comfort.
Unique and fascinating is also the stone tunnel, still intact, that from the east side of the house falls into the earth and that once led up to Piazza San Rufino ensuring residents, during the invasions, an escape to escape the enemy.
If you enter the garden...you hit the beautiful marble table, researched wrought-iron chairs, the extraordinary succession of old stones, the green of the lawn, an intact font dating from the twelfth century, the spectacular view of the valley, the heart of the charming magic Umbria of which Assisi is the most precious pearl. Around the house, the forum, the circus, the theatrum, the domus with their splendid frescoes, the funerary tower of Petronas Gens capture the visitor's interest: Assisi hides a small Pompeii still intact, as the subsequent medieval city was built on or around the remains of the Roman one.
Everything is bathed in peace, harmony and mystical atmosphere that reigns in the city of Francis: as if by magic, time stops and the dream becomes reality.
Unique and fascinating is also the stone tunnel, still intact, that from the east side of the house falls into the earth and that once led up to Piazza San Rufino ensuring residents, during the invasions, an escape to escape the enemy.
If you enter the garden...you hit the beautiful marble table, researched wrought-iron chairs, the extraordinary succession of old stones, the green of the lawn, an intact font dating from the twelfth century, the spectacular view of the valley, the heart of the charming magic Umbria of which Assisi is the most precious pearl. Around the house, the forum, the circus, the theatrum, the domus with their splendid frescoes, the funerary tower of Petronas Gens capture the visitor's interest: Assisi hides a small Pompeii still intact, as the subsequent medieval city was built on or around the remains of the Roman one.
Everything is bathed in peace, harmony and mystical atmosphere that reigns in the city of Francis: as if by magic, time stops and the dream becomes reality.
The home, located on the ground floor, is fully renovated and extraordinarily welcoming. It is composed of a suggestive double bedroom with a wonderful and comfortable four-poster bed, a wonderful round gold bathtub, an antique wardrobe, an extraordinary fresco with the Annunciation on wood from the 17th century and a very special stained glass window with Latin phrases in red, orange, gold tones on the theme of Love; of a spacious, brand new and very elegant bathroom with hydromassage shower, where it’s possible to admire a splendid fresco; of a large living room, where the extraordinary central column, the wonderful fresco, the beautiful kitchen, a romantic fireplace, a maxi screen and two sofa beds stand out, one of which is inserted in an atmospheric location, which allows the intimacy of a second bedroom ... there are, infact, two very particular stained glass windows with different prevailing colors with Latin phrases on the theme of Life and Joy. which, once closed, create a "room" with suggestive colors!
Equipped with air conditioning, washing machine, iron, drying rack, hairdryer, 43-inch LCD TV, free WI-FI internet, the house has free parking and secure parking nearby.
The heating is autonomous and included in the price. Also included are the various utilities and kitchen, bedroom and bathroom linen, as well as final cleaning. The structure is also particularly equipped for small children: available travel cot, sterilizer, as well as a library for children !!!
UNESCO World Heritage Site, Perfetta Letizia Holiday Home is an ideal stay for those who want to live dream days!
Equipped with air conditioning, washing machine, iron, drying rack, hairdryer, 43-inch LCD TV, free WI-FI internet, the house has free parking and secure parking nearby.
The heating is autonomous and included in the price. Also included are the various utilities and kitchen, bedroom and bathroom linen, as well as final cleaning. The structure is also particularly equipped for small children: available travel cot, sterilizer, as well as a library for children !!!
UNESCO World Heritage Site, Perfetta Letizia Holiday Home is an ideal stay for those who want to live dream days!

Amor vitae essentia est. / Love is the essence of life. (Anonimo)Omnia vincit amor. / Love wins everything. (Virgilio)
Amor amorem gignit. / Love generates love. (Anonimo)
Semper et in aeternum ... / Always and forever ... (Anonimo)
Totus Tuus. / All yours. (Anonimo)
Animae duae, animus unus. / Two lives, one soul. (Anonimo)
Maior lex amor est sibi. / Love is above all laws. (Boezio)
Verus amor nullum novit habere modum. / True love has never known any measure. (Properzio)

Vita sine proposito vaga est. / Life, aimlessly, is a wandering. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)Non est vivere sed valere vita est. / Life is not about being alive, but about being well. (Marco Valerio Marziale)
Carpe diem. / Catch the moment. (Quinto Orazio Flacco)
Quomodo fabula, sic vita: non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit, refert. / Life is like a game: it doesn't matter how long it is, but how it is played. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)
Vita via est. / Life is a journey. (Anonimo)
Medio tutissimus ibis. / You will be safer by keeping the middle ground. (Publio Ovidio Nasone)
Vivere tota vita discendum est... / It takes a lifetime to learn to live ... (Lucio Anneo Seneca)
Dum anima est, spes est. / As long as there is life there is hope. (Marco Tullio Cicerone)

In virtute posita est vera felicitas. / True happiness is in virtue. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)Non est quod credas quemquam fieri aliena infelicitate felicem. / Do not believe that you can become happy by
causing the unhappiness of others. (Lucio Anneo Seneca) Numquam non miser est, qui quod timeat cogitat. / Whoever thinks of his fears is never happy. (Publilio Siro)
Felix sua sorte contentus. / Those who are happy with their fate are happy. (Anonimo)
Animus gaudens aetatem floridam facit. / A happy soul keeps young. (Anonimo)
In bonis exterioribus non est felicitas. / Happiness is not in the goods outside of us. (Aristotele)